Renovation work at Surveyor General of India's Office, Dehradun is in Progress.
Renovation work at Surveyor General of India's Office, Dehradun is in Progress. The Regulation Section has been renovated with intent to provide better work place with modern aesthetics. The other sections are also under similar renovation. 3D murals depicting the rich history of SOI has been placed at the Entrance lobby
Lt Gen Girish Kumar VSM Inaugurated the Geo - smart Users meet 2019 on 11-02-2019 at New Delhi
मैनेजर, मैप रिप्रोड्क्शन ( सीनियर) एवं मैनेजर, मैप रिप्रोड्क्शन (जूनियर) के भर्ती नियमों का प्रारूप सभी के अवलोकनार्थ, विभागीय वेब्साइट पर अपलोड किया गया है । अनुरोध है कि हितधारकों (stakeholders) की टिप्पणी यदि कोई हो, से इस कार्यालय को दिनांक 01-03-2019 तक ई - मेल द्वारा अवगत करायें ।